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Professional Educators and Managers Ireland - PEMI - is the professional body for the early childhood education and care (ECEC) and school age childcare (SAC) profession in Ireland.  PEMI was established in May 2022  in response to research and consultation with the ECEC and SAC profession.

"All professions; doctors, nurses, teachers, engineers have a professional body, which is recognised as the hall mark of a profession. The Early Childhood and School Age profession does not have such a body. Today changes that" - Dr. Mary Moloney, Chairperson of PEMI speaking at the launch of PEMI in May 2022.


The ultimate aim of PEMI is to raise the professional status of the ECEC and SAC workforce. In addition to raising the profile of the Early Childhood and School Age profession, PEMI will progress actions within Nurturing Skills (the recently published workforce plan for the Early Childhood and School Age sector). Among many things, PEMI will serve to identify and agree terminology for the profession, promote careers in ECEC and SAC, and give the profession a unified voice.

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